Dual Rivet

Who We Are

Dual Rivet is a women-led dance company focused on creating and sharing highly physical contemporary dance to a wide audience. Co-Directed by Chelsea Ainsworth and Jessica Smith, the NYC-based comany creates work for stage and film that exchanges a cinematic and visceral language to influence both platforms. The company teaches a myriad of classes, throughout the United States, with an emphasis on contemporary partnering and floorwork.

  • Our Work

    We make work for stage and film, that exchange a cinematic and visceral language to influence both platforms. We invite viewers into a world where time and space morph within a non-linear narrative. Our work focuses on the intimacy of everyday life, magnifying and contorting our reality into a surrealist landscape. 

  • Our Focus

    We use cinematic and large-scale imagery to evoke introspection and challenge observers to examine deeper truths about the shared human experience. 

  • Our Movement

    Through rigorous physicality, our focus on contemporary floorwork and partnering weave together layers of sensitivity, intimacy, and interpersonal relationships. We’ve committed to teaching and exploring contemporary partnering in a way that challenges gender roles and the heteronormativity that comes with the form.

  • Our Goal

    Through our focus on an everyday landscape as well as the use of film, our goal is to reach a wider audience making dance accessible. As two women directors, we aim to be examples while uplifting women* creators and makers around the world. 

Support Us!

If you want to help support us in anyway, make a donation! We are in partnership with Arts On Site - a non profit arts organization- so your donations are 100% tax deductible!
